The Collaborative Market Data Network -
serving the Public interest of Transparency in Debt Capital Markets
The Collaborative Market Data Network
Serving Transparency in Capital Markets
The Collaborative
Market Data Network


Table 1: Outstanding - International Money Markets by Instrument Type

31/12/2022 31/12/2023 31/12/2024 Difference
Euro-Certificates of Deposit (USD M) 415,158 505,721 577,989 72,268
Euro-Commercial Paper (USD M) 520,430 599,001 601,674 2,673
Total (USD M) 935,588 1,104,722 1,179,664 74,942

1. The CMDPortal Securities Database is a live database with financial instruments being added on a daily basis.
2. The CMDPortal Securities Database contains around 10m instruments aggregated from well over 80 sources and growing network of investors, issuers and dealers.
3. Classification of what constitute a Commercial Paper, Certificate of Deposit, etc is determined by the latest update provided by any of our sources. Updates provided by the issuer are final.
4. Euro-Commercial Paper, Euro-Certificates of Deposit, Eurobonds etc are defined as Instruments with ISINs start with XS. Instruments with domestic ISINs are therefore excluded.
5. ISIN means International Securities Identification Number.
6. Third Party is defined as Instruments transacted by a Financial Institution that does not belong to the organization of the Issuer
7. Conversions in USD are effected on trade date.
8. Outstandings include all instruments that have been issued, and which have not yet matured, called or been cancelled and for which we have full required data.

Table 2: Outstanding - International Bond Markets by Instrument Type

31/12/2022 31/12/2023 31/12/2024 Difference
Euro-Medium Term Notes (USD M) 9,783,731 9,751,418 9,670,054 -81,364
All Euro-Bonds excluding Euro-MTNs (USD M) 8,722,944 8,636,121 9,584,866 948,745
Total (USD M) 18,506,675 18,387,539 19,254,920 867,382

1. The CMDPortal Securities Database is a live database with financial instruments being added on a daily basis.
2. The CMDPortal Securities Database contains around 10m instruments aggregated from well over 80 sources and growing network of investors, issuers and dealers.
3. Classification of what constitute a Commercial Paper, Certificate of Deposit, etc is determined by the latest update provided by any of our sources. Updates provided by the issuer are final.
4. Euro-Commercial Paper, Euro-Certificates of Deposit, Eurobonds etc are defined as Instruments with ISINs start with XS. Instruments with domestic ISINs are therefore excluded.
5. ISIN means International Securities Identification Number.
6. Third Party is defined as Instruments transacted by a Financial Institution that does not belong to the organization of the Issuer
7. Conversions in USD are effected on trade date.
8. Outstandings include all instruments that have been issued, and which have not yet matured, called or been cancelled and for which we have full required data.

Table 3: Outstanding - International Bond Markets by Transaction Type

31/12/2022 31/12/2023 31/12/2024 Difference
Syndicated (USD M) 9,122,977 8,991,938 9,098,620 106,682
Not Syndicated (USD M) 9,383,699 9,395,601 10,156,301 760,700
Total (USD M) 18,506,675 18,387,539 19,254,920 867,382

1. The CMDPortal Securities Database is a live database with financial instruments being added on a daily basis.
2. The CMDPortal Securities Database contains around 10m instruments aggregated from well over 80 sources and growing network of investors, issuers and dealers.
3. Classification of what constitute a Commercial Paper, Certificate of Deposit, etc is determined by the latest update provided by any of our sources. Updates provided by the issuer are final.
4. Euro-Commercial Paper, Euro-Certificates of Deposit, Eurobonds etc are defined as Instruments with ISINs start with XS. Instruments with domestic ISINs are therefore excluded.
5. ISIN means International Securities Identification Number.
6. Third Party is defined as Instruments transacted by a Financial Institution that does not belong to the organization of the Issuer
7. Conversions in USD are effected on trade date.
8. Outstandings include all instruments that have been issued, and which have not yet matured, called or been cancelled and for which we have full required data.

Table 4: Outstanding - International Vanilla Bond Markets by Coupon Type

31/12/2023 30/06/2024 30/09/2024 Difference
Fixed rate (USD M) 10,443,611 10,477,629 10,803,899 326,270
Floating rate (USD M) 3,834,810 3,938,041 4,013,263 75,222
Zero coupon (USD M) 919,948 945,031 972,130 27,099

1. The CMDPortal Securities Database is a live database with financial instruments being added on a daily basis.
2. The CMDPortal Securities Database contains around 10m instruments aggregated from well over 80 sources and growing network of investors, issuers and dealers.
3. Classification of what constitute a Commercial Paper, Certificate of Deposit, etc is determined by the latest update provided by any of our sources. Updates provided by the issuer are final.
4. Euro-Commercial Paper, Euro-Certificates of Deposit, Eurobonds etc are defined as Instruments with ISINs start with XS. Instruments with domestic ISINs are therefore excluded.
5. ISIN means International Securities Identification Number.
6. Third Party is defined as Instruments transacted by a Financial Institution that does not belong to the organization of the Issuer
7. Conversions in USD are effected on trade date.
8. Outstandings include all instruments that have been issued, and which have not yet matured, called or been cancelled and for which we have full required data.

Table 5: Outstanding - Covered Bond Markets

31/12/2023 30/06/2024 30/09/2024 Difference
Covered Bond (USD M) 3,752,899 3,694,086 3,645,915 -48,171

1. The CMDPortal Securities Database is a live database with financial instruments being added on a daily basis.
2. The CMDPortal Securities Database contains around 10m instruments aggregated from well over 80 sources and growing network of investors, issuers and dealers.
3. Classification of what constitute a Commercial Paper, Certificate of Deposit, etc is determined by the latest update provided by any of our sources. Updates provided by the issuer are final.
4. Euro-Commercial Paper, Euro-Certificates of Deposit, Eurobonds etc are defined as Instruments with ISINs start with XS. Instruments with domestic ISINs are therefore excluded.
5. ISIN means International Securities Identification Number.
6. Third Party is defined as Instruments transacted by a Financial Institution that does not belong to the organization of the Issuer
7. Conversions in USD are effected on trade date.
8. Outstandings include all instruments that have been issued, and which have not yet matured, called or been cancelled and for which we have full required data.

Table 6: Outstanding - Bond Markets by Issuer Type

31/12/2023 30/06/2024 30/09/2024 Difference
Corporate Bonds (USD M) 3,685,986 3,667,544 3,805,019 137,475
Government / SSA Bonds (USD M) 4,210,283 4,257,501 4,346,616 89,116
Senior Bank Bonds (USD M) 7,196,383 7,304,067 7,479,029 174,962
Subordinated Bank Bonds (USD M) 70,964 61,382 59,379 -2,004
Bank Bonds (USD M) 7,630,781 7,747,445 7,928,914 181,469

1. The CMDPortal Securities Database is a live database with financial instruments being added on a daily basis.
2. The CMDPortal Securities Database contains around 10m instruments aggregated from well over 80 sources and growing network of investors, issuers and dealers.
3. Classification of what constitute a Commercial Paper, Certificate of Deposit, etc is determined by the latest update provided by any of our sources. Updates provided by the issuer are final.
4. Euro-Commercial Paper, Euro-Certificates of Deposit, Eurobonds etc are defined as Instruments with ISINs start with XS. Instruments with domestic ISINs are therefore excluded.
5. ISIN means International Securities Identification Number.
6. Third Party is defined as Instruments transacted by a Financial Institution that does not belong to the organization of the Issuer
7. Conversions in USD are effected on trade date.
8. Outstandings include all instruments that have been issued, and which have not yet matured, called or been cancelled and for which we have full required data.

Table 7: Outstanding - Bond Markets by Issuer Credit Quality

31/12/2023 30/06/2024 30/09/2024 Difference
AAA (USD M) 1,151,279 1,150,662 1,152,674 2,011
Investment Grade excl. AAA (USD M) 8,020,109 8,058,730 8,137,211 78,481
Non-Investment Grade (USD M) 1,089,455 1,069,287 1,062,076 -7,211
Unrated (USD M) 5,343,736 5,485,216 5,831,368 346,152

1. The CMDPortal Securities Database is a live database with financial instruments being added on a daily basis.
2. The CMDPortal Securities Database contains around 10m instruments aggregated from well over 80 sources and growing network of investors, issuers and dealers.
3. Classification of what constitute a Commercial Paper, Certificate of Deposit, etc is determined by the latest update provided by any of our sources. Updates provided by the issuer are final.
4. Euro-Commercial Paper, Euro-Certificates of Deposit, Eurobonds etc are defined as Instruments with ISINs start with XS. Instruments with domestic ISINs are therefore excluded.
5. ISIN means International Securities Identification Number.
6. Third Party is defined as Instruments transacted by a Financial Institution that does not belong to the organization of the Issuer
7. Conversions in USD are effected on trade date.
8. Outstandings include all instruments that have been issued, and which have not yet matured, called or been cancelled and for which we have full required data.

Table 8: Issuance - Structured Bond Markets by Structure Type

2023 Q4 2024 Q2 2024 Q3 Difference
Equity Linked (USD M) 336,250 369,862 358,612 -11,251
Foreign Exchange Linked (USD M) 1,441 784 810 26
Interest Rate Linked (USD M) 239,493 283,345 297,479 14,133
Commodity Linked (USD M) 638 228 2,014 1,786
Credit Linked Notes (USD M) 3,135 2,785 1,508 -1,277
Total Structure Product Market (USD M) 580,957 657,004 660,422 3,418

1. The CMDPortal Securities Database is a live database with financial instruments being added on a daily basis.
2. The CMDPortal Securities Database contains around 10m instruments aggregated from well over 80 sources and growing network of investors, issuers and dealers.
3. Classification of what constitute a Commercial Paper, Certificate of Deposit, etc is determined by the latest update provided by any of our sources. Updates provided by the issuer are final.
4. Euro-Commercial Paper, Euro-Certificates of Deposit, Eurobonds etc are defined as Instruments with ISINs start with XS. Instruments with domestic ISINs are therefore excluded.
5. ISIN means International Securities Identification Number.
6. Third Party is defined as Instruments transacted by a Financial Institution that does not belong to the organization of the Issuer
7. Conversions in USD are effected on trade date.
8. Outstandings include all instruments that have been issued, and which have not yet matured, called or been cancelled and for which we have full required data.

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